
What is aaBridge ?

aaBridge is a FREE bridge (card game) play and study program for Win, Mac and Linux.   It is often used by players on BBO.

For    How to Install (videos)    -     See    aaBridge on YouTube     <<<   Click the link
           How to Install (docs)        -     See  the - Install Section - near the end of this page.

              M1 Macs   -   install   Intel Java 8 JRE   from   Oracle    <<< click link   -   Yes !  it works with the M1 chip.

To Download

        Click on one of the two files in the table below.  MAC and Linux want the  .jar file,  Windows users require the  .exe file.    

        Click the   blue    Download   button   (center of the new dark window).

        Please be patient   -   it will  take a  LONG  time  just to  START  the download.

If you don't trust this app (or ANY software) don't download it.  If you do trust this app because you have used it before or you know me or you trust someone who uses it then thank you for you trust. 

Windows users may need to click the SMALL   More info  link  see the RED digit  1  above.  This will make the  Run anyway  button show so you can click it.

How to Install  (docs)

How to Use

aaBridge contains it own  How to Use, documentation.  Once installed, read the Welcome and Introduction entries in the LEFT hand column.

Previous versions

Full access to previous versions and other files is via    aaBridge on Google Drive     <<<  Click the link.

The latest aaBridge  DEV  jar

For users who like to run the very latest  .jar  can download it from the entry below.   For example - New Hondo mentoring tutorials are normally added on the Monday morning after each week he teaches.  Look under  menubar  Books.

MAC and Linux users can (as always) use the  .jar  file directly.

Windows users need to copy the .jar file to     C:\ProgramSmall\aaBridge    and re-start aaBridge.

Do enjoy your bridge

